A cruise ship employee is spilling the tea about the hidden dark side of vacationing at sea. Turns out there's several things that you may not have considered about sailing, including some harsh realities.
The TikToker, who goes by the username @your.beauty.dose, revealed that there's a lot that goes on behind the scenes on a cruise ship. "If passengers knew what really happens behind the scenes, they'd never look at cruises the same way," she wrote. For one, ships have morgues for passengers who die mid-vacation.
While you may think that's a rarity, she says that these morgues get used more often than you think. "If a passenger passes away, their body is stored until next port," she wrote. Additionally, a cruise ship also has a jail for those who aren't on their best behavior. This helps protect other passengers. She explained, "They are locked up until the ship reaches the next port, where authorities take over."
Cruise Ship Employee talks Out
More disturbingly, the cruise ship employee reveals the kitchen will repurpose food from day to day. She said, "Leftover food from one meal often gets repurposed for the next. The soup you're eating? It might have started as last night's side dish."
Meanwhile, Lauren Heavner, who also worked for over a decade on different cruise ships, spoke with Daily Mail about what she saw on board. She also said that a number of cruise ship employees hook up with one another.
"Relationships among crew members are as common as sunsets at sea - a natural byproduct of close quarters and long contracts. But beneath the surface lies a messier truth," Lauren said. "The real question isn't whether they're in a relationship - it's whether their spouses back home know. Sure, there are genuine, monogamous relationships on ships, built on something real. But let's not kid ourselves - those are the exceptions, not the rule."
She added, "Crew members are free to date each other - it's practically inevitable in the close-knit world of ship life. But there's one hard-and-fast caveat: no relationships between a supervisor and their subordinates."
So it sounds like tourists aren't the only ones partying onboard.