Danger Tourist Opens Up About That Time He Ended Up In A Warzone
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Danger Tourist Opens Up About That Time He Ended Up In A Warzone

Ah, doesn't Afghanistan sound nice this time of year? What about Iraq or Ukraine? Danger tourists get a thrill out of visiting some of the most dangerous and darkest places in the world. However, one danger tourist may have bit off more than he can chew when he ended up in an active warzone.

Tony Tauoke has been to a lot of places over the years. He's visited some of the most dangerous places in the world and also some of the darkest. For instance, he toured the Paris catacombs where six million people are buried.

"Almost every major city has a dark history that is an inescapable part of its character," he told Escape. "Exploring a city's dark past gives you a warts-and-all experience of a destination."

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However, the danger tourist said that visiting one country made him fear for his own safety and life. In 2006, the danger tourist said he visited Levanon during an active warzone. At the time, Israeli forces had entered parts of Southern Lebanon. They trade fire from the Lebanese militia as well as Hezbollah.

Danger Tourist In Warzone

The danger tourist said he ended up traveling to Jordan on foot after forces bombed Lebanon's capital of Beirut.

He said, "The worst thing that happened on my travels was finding myself in the middle of a war zone while I was visiting Lebanon in 2006. I had to make my way to Jordan via Syria overland because Beirut Airport had been bombed."

Outside of Lebanon, Tauoke said he also feared for his life while traveling in Rio De Janeiro in Brazil. He said that cartels operated out of a neighborhood he was traveling through. But it also ended up being one of his favorite places as well. He explained, "My favourite ever travel experience was visiting Rio de Janeiro to catch up with relatives. The city is a unique mix of urban sprawl, forest-covered mountains and beautiful beaches. The views from Christ the Redeemer are spectacular."

Meanwhile, he also described the creepiest place he's ever visited.

He said, "The creepiest places are the ones where you can still see vestiges of the crime. One example I recall is Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago. It's infamous as the place where North Side Gangster Hymie Weiss was murdered in a hail of bullets in 1926, allegedly on the orders of Al Capone. The actual bullet holes from a Capone-era hit in the Cathedral's exterior around the cornerstone which says AD 1874. They are very faint and you have to look closely to make them out."