Depressed Bear Makes Motorists Sad
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Depressed Bear Makes Motorists Sad: "Looks Like He Needs A Hug"

It turns out that even the bears get the blues sometimes. This depressed bear has pulled at the heartstrings of several passing motorists. Everyone has bad days — even animals apparently.

According to the New York Post, bystanders saw a bear on the side of a road in Florida. The animal gained so much attention that police had to step in. They had to warn onlookers that while the bear appeared sad, it was still a dangerous animal! Several people tried to take selfies with the animal, which I should remind you is a bad sign.

Motorists saw the animal beneath a telephone post alongside Highway 98 in Santa Rosa Beach. I would like to imagine that he had just returned from a long day of working at the salmon and honey factory. He then caught his bear wife cheating with the bear neighbor, and he decided that he just couldn't take things. So he hit the woods depressed. The animal watched cars from the busy highway, apparently not having the fight in him to chase after anyone. Not even those who got close for a selfie.

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Depressed Bear

"Because this black bear is stressed depressed lemon zest," police said. "Onlookers were trying to take selfies with the bear and he's clearly not in the mood for pictures."

According to experts, the bear was showing signs of aggression and severe stress. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission doesn't know what actually caused the animal to be stressed. The bear disappeared by the time officials got out there.

"The bear did not appear to be injured. It may have just been overheated and was resting before moving on," a FWC spokesperson told The Guardian. People on Facebook took to social media to share their thoughts about the animal. Despite the danger, many wished they could just give it a big hug.

"Poor guy... I can see how deceptive the level of danger is...he just looks like he needs a hug, or a big [pot of honey]," one person wrote on Facebook.

"Awe poor guy looks so sad and defeated with all the trees being cut down they are being forced where people are! Very sad," wrote another.