Busch Offering $20,000 to Hire an Official "Dog Beer" Taster

Think your dog's famous? Give Busch beer a call.

With humans working at home over so much over the last year due to the pandemic, Fido may feel left out. There is only so much playtime in a day and your pup may be ready to put in some working hours too. Pet owners may be in luck as a major beer brand searches a new employee. One who has an outstanding sense of smell and already likes to taste test a cold one, or two, with you. If your pup fits the bill and is in the market for a new gig with awesome perks, including unlimited dog brew, take a look at the new opening at Anheuser-Busch. In a contest announced on the companies social media channels, you can enter your pup into the running to be one of the companies executives.

Chief Tasting Officer for Busch's Dog Brew


The contest was announced on Busch Beer's official Twitter account in the beginning of April and the winner will be announced any day now.

Dog owners were to post a picture of their dog with hashtag #BuschCTOcontest on their social media accounts along with what makes their pup qualified for the role. A quick search of Busch's social channels will give you a glance at the competition.


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The winner will be tasked with taste-testing the Busch Dog Brew that was released last year. With the dog brew, man and man's best friend can enjoy a cold beverage together. The non-alcoholic brew is actually bone broth and was added to the beer giants line last summer to open their markets up to dogs.

The perks of being the dog brew Chief Tasting Officer for Anheuser-Busch is a $20,000 salary plus pet insurance healthcare coverage and free Busch Dog Brew.

Busch says they want their CTO to have a refined palate that will help them in expanding the flavors of their dog beer line. Being the official quality control will be a tough job for one lucky pup. What pup wouldn't want to be first in line to try the Budweiser makers new flavor portfolio?

What Is Dog Beer Made Of?

The alcohol-free and gluten- free dog brew is made out of pork bone broth and gives you the opportunity to have a drink with your best friend. If you are like most pet parents, you may be concerned about the ingredients of this new dog brew and want to ensure it is healthy. The brew is made of all natural products and fresh ingredients like bone in pork butt, whole corn, celery, basil, mint, turmeric, ginger, and of course water.

The brew is meant to be a delicious snack for your pup and it helps to encourage a healthy digestive system. The bone broth brew also is a way to promote eating and caloric intake for dogs who are having a difficult time eating their hard food. With the brew, they will get a tasty and nutritious treat, plus it will soften the kibble.

Where Can You Purchase Dog Brew?

The new line of dog brews for your pooch are currently sold online only within the United States. Go to Busch.com to get a four-pack for your lucky pup. Currently a 4-pack runs around $15.00 and Busch limits you to buying four sets. So Fido is going to have to pace himself.

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