tiger attack

Dramatic Tiger Attack: Big Cat Launches Itself at Ranger Atop Elephant

An enraged tiger explodes from the long grass and launches itself at a forest ranger sitting atop an elephant. This tiger attack is as intense as it gets.

This video has of course gone viral and has been seen by millions of viewers. Such is the attraction of a tiger attack.

Tiger attacks have captured the imagination of people for generations. From Rudyard Kipling to old black-and-white Tarzan films, an attack by a tiger is as dramatic as any event in nature.

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This attack occurred in India's Kaziranga National Park in 2004.

Ranjan Kumar Das, Division Forest Ranger at the time, was atop one of several elephants carrying rangers who were investigating a couple of tigers that had wandered out of the park and into an area where village cattle were located. This was a big deal, with many people being curious about the tigers and trying to get a glimpse of them.

So Das and several other enforcement agency personnel converged on the area for the safety of the villagers and to tranquilize the tigers and return them to the wild. Das was on an adjacent elephant, filming the scene, when the tiger sprang from the long grass and hurled itself at his compatriot.

The height and length of the tiger's jump as it attacked the man is incredible. It clearly and easily jumps up and over the elephant's head to attack the man, ultimately mauling what looks like his hand and arm, before escaping.

Unfortunately, it sounds as though they were unable to locate the tiger again.

In any event, this incredible attack was caught on film, and for that we are fortunate to witness it. The man who was mauled has, according to Das, fully recovered from the incident.

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