Poor Dog Suffering? How to Get Rid of Ear Mites

It is very easy to see ear mites in dogs under the microscope at the clinic. As soon as you're done with the ear swab and head over to the microscope you can show the vet your discovery almost immediately.

Otodectes cynotis mites, commonly called ear mites, are a common parasitic infection that can affect your dog. Don't feel guilty if your dog's diagnosis is ear mites. They're easily diagnosed and treated. Yes, my dogs have had ear mites in the past and with some medication, they've cleared up. We review the signs in this article and if you see any of these the key is getting your dog to the vet asap. 

What are ear mites in dogs? 


We learned from VCA Hospitals that these ear mites are also found on rabbits, cats, and ferrets.

"Ear mites are usually found in the ear canal but it can also live on the skin surface. These parasites are highly contagious, and animals become infested by direct contact with another infested animal."

You should always be suspicious if your dog is constantly scratching their ears.

5 Signs of infestation

1. Scratching at the ears, or head shaking

2. A waxy or crusty discharge from the ear

3. Hair loss resulting from scratching

4. A rash around or in the ear

5. An aural hematoma - caused by rupture of small blood vessels between the skin and cartilage - resulting from scratching at the ears

How are ear mites diagnosed in dogs? 


A diagnosis is always made by observing the mite. This can be done by the vet with an otoscope or by looking at discharge from the ear under a microscope. Only in rare cases will the dog need to be sedated for a comprehensive exam to be done. If the dog is extremely sore and painful then the vet may recommend this which will also include treatment. 

How are ear mites treated? 


Treatment varies and the pet owner may need to prepare themselves to give daily medication for a week or more. The good news is there are newer medications!

PetMD.com tells us that these new medications can kill ear mites with a single dose!

"These simple treatments for ear mites are only available through veterinarians. Single-dose medications made to be applied to the ears are available through veterinarians for cats, but veterinarians may sometimes recommend their "off-label" use in dogs."

Part of the treatment at the clinic will be to clean out all the debris from within a dog's ear canals Your vet may recommend that he flush out your dog's ears.

You'll need to return to the vet a few weeks to a month later for a recheck.

Ear infections can happen. Always have your pet's ears checked by a vet and if you see those 'coffee grounds' then you can almost assume your dog has mites or another type of ear infection.

A DVM will let you know when they treat ear mites in your dog what the at-home treatment plan will be. An ear mite infestation can be painful so get your dog to the vet.

Cats and dogs both get ear mites. Don't panic. Read through the symptoms of ear mites we included in this article and don't try any home remedies. Go straight to the vet for treatment options.

You certainly don't want your dog to have hearing loss.

Do you know a dog that has ear mites? Please leave us a comment below!

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