Elderly Couple Drown During Flash Flood As Husband Desperately Tries To Swim For Help
Image via Jacob Lund/Shutterstock

Elderly Couple Drown During Flash Flood As Husband Desperately Tries To Swim For Help

This is a sad story, y'all. A flash flood recently struck through rural Illinois thanks to heavy rain. Sadly, an 88-year-old couple got caught in a storm while on the roadway. As much as I wish this story had a happy ending, the elderly couple tragically died during the flash flood.

It would appear that the husband heroically tried to brave the waters to get help after the two became trapped. According to deputies from the Jersey County Sheriff's Office, they received a 911 call on July 16. This happened around noon during the day. The caller was actually a separate traveler, who also got caught up in the flash flood.

The 70-year-old caller said he became trapped in his car near Mill Creek. He said the waters in the area were too high to drive in, and he also didn't want to brave the flood waters on foot. This happened outside of Elsah, Illinois. The caller also mentioned to deputies that he noticed another vehicle trapped in the water behind him. He said at some point he saw an elderly man trying to swim through the water. However, the caller noted that the current in the water appeared to be swift. He didn't mention what happened to the man.

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Flash Flood Kills Elderly Couple

The roadways were treacherous even for authorities. When they finally arrived, they had to reach the cars by foot, traveling through high-water. The waters rose significantly during this time with the caller now on his roof. He had to abandon his vehicle's cabin as water rose inside of it. The car behind him was completely submerged.

While they rescued the caller, the elderly couple sadly died during the flood. Authorities found the body of an 88-year-old woman inside of the second vehicle. They also found the body of an 88-year-old man near Mill Creek. Authorities confirmed that they were James "Terry" Dooley and his wife, Carolyn Dooley. Both frequently attended St. Mary's Catholic Church in Alton.

Sadly, the flash flood claimed their lives. The sheriff's department offered their condolences.

"Our hearts and prayers go out to their family and loved ones as they work through this tragedy," the sheriff's office said.