Eva Shockey
Eva Shockey/Facebook

Eva Shockey Shares 7 Inspiring Quotes From Her Book

In hunting and simply in life, these seven inspiring quotes can benefit us all.

Eva Shockey's first book, titled Taking Aim, was released August 29, 2017. The riveting memoir on "daring to be different, happier, and healthier in the great outdoors" was stellar, a real look into the life of hunting's leading lady. (You can order yours HERE.)

In the lead-up to the release date, Eva created seven inspirational infographics, each featuring a quote from the book embossed on beautiful travel images from trips she has taken. They are words to live by, both insightful and thought-provoking.

Eva Shockey

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Eva Shockey

Eva Shockey

Eva Shockey

Eva Shockey

Eva Shockey

Eva Shockey

Beautiful words for sure.

You can order Taking Aim here (if you're in Canada, use this link instead). And if you're interested in seeing more of Eva on your TV screen, be sure to check out her 2-DVD set, The Best of Eva Shockey.

Eva, like her father Jim, are the real deal when it comes to hunting, family, and the great outdoors. We know Taking Aim will become a coveted treasure on your bookshelf.

@ConvergentBooks, #TakingAim, #launchteam

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