If you've been putting off outdoor adventure for years, you've officially run out of excuses.
We can respond to and counter just about any reason you're using not to get outside.
1. I don't know how.
Need to learn how to hunt, fish, or do anything else outside? We've got you covered. Check out our beginner's guide to deer hunting or rundown of bass fishing basics. If it's something else you want to learn about, search for it using the button at the top right of this page.
2. I live in a city.

Sean Pavone/Getty
Even if you clock into the concrete jungle everyday, you're still probably no more than hour from an outdoor oasis. Blow off some steam with a scenic hike after work or plan a weekend getaway to the mountains.
3. I'm too busy.
If you've got time to binge a full season of Friends, you've got time for an hour-long adventure in the great outdoors. It doesn't take long to hike a local loop or hook a trout.
4. I'm too young.
Many states now have opportunities for mentored hunts from a young age, and depending on how young you are, you can likely fish legally without a license in most states.
5. I'm too old.
If you can't climb like you used to, adjust your tactics or adopt a new hobby. You can even score discounted hunting or fishing licenses as a senior citizen, so it's no reason to stop!
6. I'm too out of shape.
Choose a low-impact hobby like lakeside fishing or go big and whip yourself into elk shape.
7. No one will take me.

Most state wildlife agencies and many conservation organizations have mentorship programs in place. Find one near year and make some new friends.
8. I have nowhere to practice.
Even if you live in center city, you've got options for getting in some practice shots with firearms. Check out the NSSF's range locator to find a spot near you.
9. It's too expensive.
Choose a free outdoor hobby like shed hunting or foraging for mushrooms. You can also take advantage of free fishing days across the country.
10. I don't have the gear.
While some outdoor hobbies are pretty gear-intensive, all you need are the shoes on your feet to take advantage of park trails, wild mushrooms, and shed antlers.
11. I don't want the meat.
If you don't care for fish or wild game (or have a fully stocked freezer already), look into food donation programs in your area. Get your outdoor fill and help someone in need!
12. I'm afraid of heights.
Not all deer hunting requires a treestand, and not all hikes rise to high elevations. You can hunt from a ground blind, traverse some flat trails, or float down a low-level creek. No need to climb high.
13. I'm afraid of water.
Try your hand at a hobby on dry land, like hiking, hunting, or hitting the mountain bike trail.
14. I hate bugs.
Grab a Thermacell, douse yourself in tick spray, and wear one of those anti-mosquito bracelets.
15. I don't want to get lost.
Apps such as onX and GPS units from the likes of Garmin have come a long way, and you can get started at an affordable monthly rate.
16. I'm afraid of bears.
Carry bear spray and/or an appropriate sidearm. And learn how to identify bear sign so you can avoid them.
17. I'm afraid of snakes.
Throw on some snake boots or gaiters and carry your sidearm. And study up on how to avoid snakey areas.
18. I'm too tired.
While your odds might be the highest at first light, many hunters have success mid-morning and later in the day. So you can still sleep in and get after it fully rested.
19. I've got kids.
Good! Take them with you and share your hobby with them.
20. I don't know where to start.
Overwhelmed by the options and your lack of knowledge? Pick one hobby and do a deep-dive to learn everything you can! Again, we can help! Just search for your activity of choice using our search tool, and scroll through our collection of articles, videos, and more.
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