The marksmanship of the Dude Perfect guys will astound just about anyone.
Some find the guys from Dude Perfect a tad ridiculous, but there's definitely something formidable to be said about their marksmanship.
Check out his video and witness a ton of crazy antics with a diverse arsenal and outrageous distances.
You can't help but wonder how many shots it took for these guys to get everything well, Dude Perfect. It's likely there were several takes, but they did get it right once at least.
In case you missed any, here's a few of marksmanship stunts they performed: Mobile Helo Bow and Arrow Shot, Skeet Busting Bow and Arrow Blaster, Simultaneous Apple Blaster, Shootin' A Strike, The Pistol Peppermint Shot, Dueling Tree Battle, The Wakeboarding Blow Dart Shot, and Splitting The Card Upside Down Shot.
Probably the coolest part of the video was the World's Longest Bow and Arrow Shot which was made at 345 yards. They shot the balloon right through the middle and according to them, set a world record.