Traveling opens you up to a host of new experiences. But not all of them are necessarily positive, as one female solo traveler would quickly find out. Not all countries share the same customs. Although the United States gets plenty of flack for gender inequalities, some countries are even less enlightened, should I say, than the West.
One female solo traveler is taking to social media to share what she believes is the worst country to travel to as a woman. The traveler shared the country where she experienced the most sexism. Now, I think it is important to keep in mind that this is just one person's experiences. Not to discount her point of view, but it is important to consider that everyone's experiences may be different.
The country she struggled in was Morocco. Taking to TikTok via Daily Mail, the female solo traveler named Claujoor shared her experiences from traveling to the country. She said that men would constantly cat call her in the street. It became a bit much for her.
Female Traveler On The Go
She said, "Travelling as a solo female in Morocco, many men stare at you. Many men say hi to you say, 'sexy.' It doesn't matter what you wear, it doesn't matter if you wear long, if you wear short, they are going to say things to you because you are a woman. So just try to ignore them, try to focus on you and yourself."
In another TikTok video, she claimed that drivers would honk their horns if she was walking on the side of the road. She explained, "As a girl in Morocco, walking next to a street on a road. Every time a car passes it goes beep beep. I swear if the girls driving do this to guys, guys would be shouting at the cars."
However, things got scary in one video when a man tried to grab her, causing her to scream. However, she did say that many of the people she encountered was very nice. She also said that she felt safer in Morocco as a traveler than in Europe. So it sounds like things are a bit complicated.