Fiat Chrysler Didn't Have Prior Knowledge of Marchionne's Illness

New reports have come in light suggesting that Fiat Chrysler did not know of Sergio Marchionne's illness for more than a year.

According to the Swiss hospital (as reported by Reuters), it had been treating him for more than a year, raising wide speculation over how much Fat Chrysler knew at the time.

"Mr. Sergio Marchionne was a patient at USZ. Due to serious illness, he had been the recipient of recurring treatment for more than a year," the hospital said in a statement. "Although all the options offered by cutting-edge medicine were utilized, Mr. Marchionne, unfortunately, passed away."

As a result, the hospital has receiving a lot of questions over the severity of the injury.

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Marchionne once one of the more iconic automotive CEOs of this time, gaining cult status by reversing Chrysler's fortunes during the 2009 recession.

He was also one of the worlds most colorful CEOs, known for his charming interviews and simple attire comprising of black sweaters and jeans. was also known for his impeccable work ethic, known to work out of airplanes with up to five cell phones buzzing at a time.