Firefighters Perform Mountain Top Rescue After Dog Gets Bit By Poisonous Snake
Photo by David McNew/Getty Images

Firefighters Perform Mountain Top Rescue After Dog Gets Bit By Poisonous Snake

It was a rush to save one dog's life after this man's best friend ended up own the wrong end of a venomous snake. A copperhead snake bit the dog while it and its owner was on a mountaintop in Connecticut. It led to a tense mountaintop rescue that proves some will stop at nothing when there's a pet in need.

According to New York Post, Sleeping Giant State Park in Hamden doesn't have the best terrain under normal circumstances. It's rock and treacherous and can lead to accidents with one false move. However, irefighters and local animal control officers sprang into action to save the dog after it got snake bit. They rushed down the mountain side to get the dog medical attention.

The dog owner teamed up with five others to move the dog down the mountain. They used a stretcher to transport the injured animal through the terrain. In particular, two firefighters handled the brunt of the lifting. "Thank you goes out to the two firefighters who did most of the carrying," expressed Hamden Animal Control on social media.

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Dog Bit By Snake

Ultimately, they were able to get the dog to a local animal shelter where they could administer antivenom. The dog's current status is unknown. "This is just a reminder to be careful out there, there are northern copperheads at Sleeping Giant," animal control officers warned. "Their habitat includes rocky hillsides, open woods, as well as edges of swamps and meadows."

There are two venomous snakes in Conneticut — the northern copperhead and the timber rattlesnake. While these snakes aren't aggressive, they will bite if cornered or threatened. It's not the first time someone's been snake bit, and it won't be the last. In England, a young girl got bit by the country's only venomous snake.

She ended up almost dying after being rushed to the hospital. At one point, doctors lost her pulse, but ultimately, she recovered getting the hospital's only vial of anti-venom.

The mother said, "Within 20 minutes her organs were shutting down and you could see the venom tracking up her arm. If I had taken her home I don't know if she would be here now."