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Fisherman Almost Impaled By Swordfish In Close Call

A fisherman nearly escaped disaster on Monday, as a blue marlin launched into his boat in the Gulf of Mexico.

The incident was captured on video, and has garnered millions of views in the days that have since passed.

According to the NY Post, The fisherman was one of seven onboard the Jubilee as part of the Fairhope Fishing Company's expedition. The clip shows the fish leap out of the water, and into the Jubliee, as it was being reeled in.

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In the blink of an eye, the monster fish nearly pierced the neck of the man standing near the edge of the Jubilee. The fisherman was knocked to the deck, before the fish slid back into the water. In the video, the main screamed, presumably from pain and shock. While it was unclear how badly he was injured, the internet agreed the man was lucky to be alive.

One commenter mentioned that it was the the fisherman's "lucky day," to which Fairhope responded "Understatement."

Another commenter made the point that the marlin almost sent its sharp bill "straight through the brain" of the fisherman.

Viral Video Shows Fisherman Narrowly Avoid Disaster As Marlin Leaps Into Boat

Notably, a fisherman was killed in February 2022 by a Black Marlin. The Black Marlin, which is similar to a Blue Marlin, only with a shorter bill and thicker head, killed the man off the coast of India after he was trapped in his net.

Blue Marlin are known as apex predators of the ocean, and they can live for up to 10 years. They can grow anywhere from 11 to 16 feet in length. Likewise, Blue Marlin are known to grow up to 2,000 pounds in weight. Moreover, the fish are known to jump high out of the water as they are being reeled in.

While the viral incident occurred in the Gulf of Mexico, Blue Marlin are also found in the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.