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Fisherman Just Won More Than $1 Million For Massive Marlin Catch

A New Jersey boat crew won 1.13 million dollars last month after catching an almost 800-pound blue marlin.

According to, the boat is Ocean County-based, and named "Deadicated." The vessel is captained by Matt Asplundh, and their winning the Mid-Atlantic Tournament is a feat they won't soon forget.

Asplundh and crew caught their prize-winning blue marlin on the last day of the tournament. In a statement released by tournament officials, the fish was described as "eyebrow-raising." Apparently, the massive sea creature, and the entire weigh station crew, with some additional help, was required to lift the fish out of the boat. Moreover, the fish was taped on the dock, and found to be a head-scratching 126.5 inches in length.

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The tournament was held from August 18th through the 23rd. While the crew from Deadicated won the category w=for heaviest blue marlin, the second-place boat was not far behind. A 760-pound blue marlin was caught by "Dem Boys," a crew from Isle of Palms, South Carolina. Such a catch earned the crew a prize of $497,714.

The drop-off from second to third place was much larger. "Gret's Three J's," from Lititz, Pennsylvania, was the crew to take home third place. Their blue marlin weighed 690 pounds, and their prize was worth $134,576.

New Jersey Boat Crew Wins Over a Million Dollars After Catching Huge Marlin

The Mid-Atlantic Tournament handed out over $5.7 million in cash prizes to more than 30 different winners. That cash total was the third highest to ever be handed out, in the tournament's 33-year history.

The award ceremonies themselves, were hosted at Canyon Club Resort Marina in Cape May, as well as Sunset Marina in Ocean City.

Deep sea fishing is really a sport and culture all its own. The massive cash prizes doled out at the end of the Mid-Atlantic Tournament act as proof of incredible demand for success in the sport. Moreover, the level of investment required from crews to find success in the sport is noteworthy itself. Between the upkeep of expensive vessels, high-quality fishing gear, and long days under an unforgiving sun, the money is well-earned by all winners at the tournament.