Florida Family Expecting Pizza Delivery Surprised To Find Hungry Alligator Waiting Outside Instead
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Florida Family Expecting Pizza Delivery Surprised To Find Hungry Alligator Waiting Outside Instead

I would do a lot for a slice of pizza, but I wouldn't fight a hungry alligator. A Florida family was shocked to find a hungry alligator waiting outside instead of the delivery guy.

The Bradenton Police Department in Florida responded to a call on March 9 of an 8-foot gator in a residential neighborhood. Police Officer Tolson found the reptile in the neighborhood. The pizza delivery person was dropping off pizzas in the neighborhood but ended up getting scared upon seeing the gator on a stroll.

Tolson continued his investigation into the alligator. That's when he spotted the reptile going underneath the car of the family in the driveway. The officer told the pizza delivery driver to go around back to make the delivery. But the delivery driver was understandably a bit afraid of the alligator in the yard.

Alligator Wants A Snack

"Would you want to do it, officer?" the delivery person asked. Fortunately, Tolson agreed to make the delivery for the driver. However, that's when the homeowner exited the front door to see what was going on. Fearing that the woman may end up as gator chow instead of getting her pizza, the officer told her to go back inside.

"Maam, get back over there. There's an alligator right under your car," Officer Tolson said.

"Oh my God!" the woman responded. "Oh my heaven, there's a big alligator under my car!"

Fortunately, this story has a fairly happy and cheesy ending. The woman went back inside, and the officer ended up delivering the pizza behind back of the house. The officer really needs a raise because he even agreed to take a photo of the alligator for her.

"After ensuring the hungry customer wasn't attacked by an equally hungry gator, Officer Tolson agreed to take the customer's phone and snap a picture for her," the Bradenton Police Department shared on Facebook.

As far as what happened next, two Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Committee officials came out. They measured the gator on the lawn. Afterwards, they helped relocate the wayward reptile "away from the neighborhood (and Italian restaurants)."