It is never too late for a Christmas miracle. Pennsylvania SPCA, an animal shelter, shared the heartwarming story. It was of a dog that got rescued and finally found her forever home. Fair warning, get your box of tissues ready because I cried writing this piece. This story is enough to bring tears to your eyes and remind you that while there may be evil in the world, there is also an abundance of good.
Dog Rescued From Absolute Filth

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Chessie, a 12-year-old boxer/Weimaraner mix was living in horrible conditions. Pennsylvania SPCA shared in a Facebook post that their Animal Law Enforcement was made aware of a complaint that was put into a local police department. A resident had reported fear of dogs and cats living in deplorable conditions nearby. Luckily, the Pennsylvania SPCA went out to investigate. What they found was truly disturbing. They shared, "The home was filled with trash, excrement, barely any food or water, and heartbreakingly, several deceased animals." Incredibly, Chessie had somehow survived. However given her age, some of her rescuers worried how long she had been living in these despicable circumstances. She was rescued along with "Another dog, five cats, and two pigeons."
Unfortunately, while Chessie the dog had been rescued, her condition mirrored the status of the house she had been living in. Pennsylvania SPCA shared, "Chessie had a severe flea infestation, her ears were dirty, her gait stiff, and she had mammary masses." The poor thing was so anxious that she needed to be sedated in order to be fully checked. While she gained more confidence with each day, the staff at the animal shelter worried about her prospects of finding a forever home. Older dogs typically get adopted less and this poor girl was also battling cancer. Who would adopt an old dog that had a death sentence?
A Christmas Angel

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Luckily, there are still good people in the world. Even with all of the odds stacked against her, Chessie was able to find her forever home. Pennsylvania SPCA posted an update on their Facebook Page. They said, "For once in her life, even if it was just at the end, Chessie deserved to experience a real home. With a real family. And luckily, one hero stood up." Chessie was adopted. This adorable dog who suffered so much was finally rescued and going to her forever home. It is a "Bittersweet ending" where "Chessie is now finally getting to experience the life she's always deserved in a home full of love." While her previous chapters may have been filled with horror, at least the final chapter of her story will be pleasant. May she have a wonderful remainder of her life, and hopefully many years with her new loving family.