Video screen shot via Instagram/_ha21

Ha Ha Clinton-Dix's Hilarious Unexpected Encounter with Bears Caught on Camera

One minute you're on an innocent scooter ride, and the next you're running from a mama bear and her cub.

Current Dallas Cowboy Ha Ha Clinton-Dix, a pro athlete with better fast-twitch muscles than you or I will ever have, put them to good use following a wildlife encounter in his driveway Monday night.

As seen in security camera footage shared to Clinton-Dix's Instagram account, the athlete is cruising towards the end of his driveway on a scooter, with two bears hidden by a vehicle strolling their way towards him.

As soon as he spots the big mammals, he ditches the scooter and hightails it back where he came from, out of the frame of the camera shot but presumably to the safety of his house or garage.

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The 6'1" safety is listed at 211 pounds, but that just ain't gonna stack up against a mama bear with a cub. Clinton-Dix could have handled it slightly better, according to suggested bear encounter protocol, but we'll give him a pass this time.

As you could tell from the video, the bears were no more interested in the encounter than Clinton-Dix, and spun around to escape just as quickly. That's lucky, considering how things could turn out when a mother bear with a cub runs into a human. Defensive nature takes over, and it's often far more harrowing than this situation.

His own scouting report in the caption of the Instagram post was worth the extra laugh.

"I play D # gotta be ready to go," he wrote. "A lil high on my flip turn but the drive was there. I ain't know how many was over there."

Clinton-Dix was an All-American at Alabama, where he helped win two national championships, before being drafted by the Packers in 2014. He's spent time with the Redskins, the Bears (wouldn't you know it?!), and is set to start his first season with the Cowboys this fall.