Hannah Barron Outdoors/Facebook

Southern Belle Hannah Barron Gets Down and Dirty with Another Hand-Wrestled Cat

Catfish noodling is no walk in the park, but Hannah sure makes it look easy.

We first introduced you to Hannah Barron back in the summer of 2016.

Residing in Alabama, this young lady loves to charm cats using only her handsno rod, no line, and no bait. Read that story HERE.

In the latest video adventure posted to her Facebook page, Hannah is at it again - this time wrestling another jumbo cat that certainly is no pushover when it comes to being caught. We'll be the first to admit it, Hannah sure does make the sport of catfish noodling look like a blast!

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Here's Hannah doing what she does best:

It doesn't appear that Hannah lost any blood to this fish, unlike the last time she did battle with one of these brutes. You can see that cool clip HERE.

Have any of our readers given catfish noodling a try? Let's hear your stories and see your pics!

If you're not already following Hannah's outdoor adventures, you definitely should. They are entertaining as all heck. Check out her Facebook page HERE.

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