mirage fly reel

Here's a Behind-the-Scenes Look at the USA-Made Orvis Mirage Fly Reel

The Mirage fly reel is about as legit as it gets in fly fishing. 

It's no surprise that since Donald Trump has become president, USA-made products have made a yuge comeback. However, that isn't necessarily true in the fly fishing game. It's been said that something around 90% of all American fly fishing rods and reels are made overseas. However, it looks like Orvis is doing something about it. Their new Mirage fly reel is 100% USA made. For me personally, that is awfully refreshing.

Here is a quick behind the scenes look at what goes into this American produced, American made reel.

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Thank your Orvis for putting values above the profit margins and going all in on a real USA handcrafted fly fishing product. I have a feeling that the fly fishing industry is going to respond. There are a few companies out there right now only making USA fly fishing gear. With no surprise, business has been good for them, and it will be for this reel as well.

Hopefully the rest of the fly fishing industry will take notice of the undoubted success that the Mirage fly reel is going to enjoy. Perhaps this is the beginning of a new American revolution of fishing products made right here in the good old USA.