I haven't been this heartbroken since Peanut The Squirrel's untimely passing. Home The Pig, an internet sensation hog, has died during a routine procedure.
Taking to social media, his heartbroken owner Valerie shared that Homer has passed away. According to Val, her beloved pig was going to undergo a routine procedure. However, there were complications with the medication to put the hog under for the procedure. According to Val, the veterinarian didn't weigh the pig and ultimately delivered a fatal overdose of medication.
She explained, "With my deepest sorrow, a nightmare unfolded when Homer the Pig underwent a routine biopsy. Regrettably, his weight was not taken prior to the procedure. And the veterinarian relied on his weight from previous years, which was substantially higher. Consequently, he was administered an injection to induce sleep. But he stopped breathing before we departed, only to regain consciousness shortly thereafter."
Homer The Pig Dies
She continued, "Throughout the night, his breathing remained abnormal, prompting us to return him to the veterinarian as soon as they opened. It was only then that his weight was taken. And veterinarian she informed me that it was inexcusable for the initial veterinarian to have administered the injection without first taking his weight. As the correct dosage relies on accurate weight measurements. Furthermore, it was emphasized that pigs require anesthesia. And my nine-year-old pig, who was otherwise healthy aside from a small lump under his chin, tragically lost his life due to the veterinarian's negligence. I implore you to read this account, as I hope it may serve as a cautionary tale to prevent similar tragedies and spare the lives of other pigs."
As you can imagine, the news about Homer brought a mix of sympathy and anger from his fans. Ziggy's Refuge Farm mourned the loss of the pig.
The organization wrote, "Homer was given injectable sedation—something we have fought so hard to eliminate at the River Center for Compassionate Care because we know the risks. We have watched too many pigs die from it, and now, Homer is one of them. If he had been here, if the procedure had been done under the protocols we follow, he would still be alive today."