How Long Are Cats Pregnant?

The answer to "How long are cats pregnant?" is two months. Catster says that's just an estimate. Depending on the source, the answer to this ranges from 58 to 72 days.

The real question is, 'does this seem like a long time to you?' Nine weeks seems better than nine months, right?

For example, how long is a dog pregnancy just for comparison? Research says for dogs it's 58 to 68 days. So both a dog and a cat's pregnancy timeline is similar.

Also, what can you expect? You may run into a pregnant cat at a shelter or clinic.

How long do cats stay pregnant?

The cat gestation period can vary from as short as 61 days to as long as 72 days according to cat experts at Purina.

"Your cat (queen) often won't show any physical symptoms of pregnancy until she is a few weeks into her term. If you think that your cat is pregnant, take her to the vets for confirmation."

Remember to get to the vet for an ultrasound.

How long are cats pregnant in weeks?

You're looking at about nine weeks.

What are the five stages of cat pregnancy?

There are five stages that should be on your radar! Catster outlined these for cat owners.

  1. Fertilization: Cats are sexually mature as early as 6 months. How many male cats has this cat been around?
  2. Early-stage: They may vomit just like humans. They also may eat less.
  3. Middle-stage: Your cat is gaining weight and those kittens are getting bigger! Cute! The vet may do an X-ray.
  4. Pre-labor: Your cat is about a week away from delivering. Time for a nesting box!
  5. Labor and delivery:

"It will be pretty obvious when your cat goes into labor. She'll start licking her genitals and may even make noises of discomfort. If this is her first litter, she may pace and act anxious. She should give birth to her first kitten about an hour after labor starts. After that, the kittens should come every 15 to 20 minutes until the last one has been born."

Remember to spay and neuter!

I didn't know a cat could get morning sickness before they deliver their litter of kittens! Pet parents need to be aware of the feline pregnancy stages and what to expect. The loss of appetite is not necessarily a sign your cat is sick.

Spaying after they deliver is a good idea as well so talk to your vet if this is a first-time mother cat and what's best for your cat's health. A DVM will advise you also how to help your cat take care of the newborn kittens. Questions like when your cat should have an increased appetite after delivery and what type of kitten food you need are all really important. Also at what month of age are they ready to go to a new home?

Having a mama cat is so exciting! Good luck!

Have you ever adopted a kitten from a shelter? Let us know in the comments below!

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