hunter has showdown with bear
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Hunter Keeps His Cool In Face Off Showdown With Bear

This video is absolutely insane. When entering bear-country every hunter knows they assume the risk of running into the wild animal. However, actually having it happen to you is an entirely different story. I would like to think if it ever happened to me I would be composed, but let's keep it real. I would most likely freak out and do everything you are not supposed to do. Luckily, this hunter is nothing like me and he keeps his cool in a face off showdown with a bear.

Hunter Shows Nerves Of Steel In Face Off Showdown With Bear

When people tell you to bring bear spray and be properly prepared on a hunt, this is what they are preparing you for. A hunter was out in the woods with his pups when he comes face to face with a bear. However, it was not just any was a mama bear. Additionally, this mama bear had her cubs with her. There is nothing more terrifying than a mother bear with her cubs. While people may assume the male bears are more deadly it is actually mother bears that are more dangerous. At least, that is the case with grizzly bears. According to the North American Bear Center, "70% of the killings by grizzly bears are by mothers defending cubs."

Unfortunately for this hunter, this bear appeared to be a grizzly bear. She charged at him not once, not twice, but three times! It is unclear what set her off, but clearly she was letting him know not to mess with her or her cubs. Somehow, this hunter kept his composure and remained calm during the showdown with the bear. You can hear his heavy breathing, which was his only indication of fear. However, he never fired his weapon at the protective mother. Instead, he held his ground and gave her space. Eventually, she gave up the pursuit and wandered back to her cubs.

I am thankful for the hunter not shooting her, and for her not actually attacking. Everyone got to walk away with their lives in tact that day, so I count it as a good day. Extreme kudos to this hunter for maintaining his cool, clearly this is not his first time out in the wilderness.