Hell has no fury like a woman scorned. A husband is drawing the scorn of his very pregnant wife after telling her he was going on a solo travel trip. The trip comes just weeks before her due date. Someone's in the doghouse, am I right?
Taking to social media, the pregnant wife vented on Reddit's "Am I the A———" forum. She shared that the couple is expecting their second baby after being together for 12 years.
"I had my first daughter during [the COVID-19] pandemic and lockdowns. [My] husband was working overseas and planned to come before delivery but due to [the] Australian border being shut, he was unable to come," she wrote. "After a painful 1.5 years apart, we finally reunited and he got to hold our firstborn."
Pregnant Wife Is Mad
For baby No. 2, they decided to keep the "pregnancy a secret from family and friends." They only told close family and friends. But then her husband hit her with a curve ball. He wants to "go overseas to see his parents for 10 days but I don't want him to go." He explained that "he won't be able to go this year once [the] baby comes."
However, his parents planned to come see them once the baby was a few months old anyway.
"I will be 31 weeks pregnant but I feel after last time of missing [my] pregnancy and delivery of our firstborn, it should be him not wanting to go instead of me having to ask," the pregnant wife vented. Even his own mama told him to stay home, but he's still set on going.
"His parents are coming to visit. He could have gone earlier in the pregnancy if he thinks he can't travel after the baby is born. He is just being inconsiderate," one user wrote.
Another said, "If his parents are coming after the baby is born, he doesn't need to go now. If even his mother is saying, 'don't come,' it makes me wonder what his real motivation is for going so close to your due date."
"Ask him what it is about this trip that it has become a higher priority for him than being a respectful & caring husband, father and son and listen carefully to his answer," another wrote.