The Hydaway Tumbler solves the storage problems of regular tumblers.
People are constantly looking for solutions to make outdoor gear, especially camping gear, lighter and more efficient than ever. Perhaps that's why Hydaway set out to re-invent the tumbler. While tumblers are awesome for both hot and cold drinks, for a backpacking adventure in the wilderness, they can be a burden weight and size-wise.
Enter the Hydaway tumbler, a rather simple planet-friendly invention that reduces plastic waste while also saving some serious space in your camping pack.
We were recently given the chance to test it out. Here's what we thought of this interesting new product.
Hydaway collapsible drink tumbler

Travis Smola
This wasn't my first time testing one of Hydaway's gadget drink containers. A few years ago, I tested their collapsible water bottle. It worked pretty well, so I was looking forward to testing out the new Hydaway collapsible which like the water bottle, is being funded through Kickstarter primarily. Just like the water bottle, the collapsible portion of the tumbler is made from a dishwasher safe, BPA-free, food-grade silicone. It feels like standard rubber, but it's nice to know it's a little more high-tech than that. It doubles as an insulating material so this new product can function as both a hot and cold drink tumbler. That means it'll work as well for your coffee as it will your beer at the end of a long hike.
The other main difference between this and the water bottle is that the tumbler has a food-grade double-wall stainless steel rim and a biopolymer compostable lid. It seals up quite nicely and it's always good to know you have something that's earth-friendly. Sustainability and environmentally friendly are two big things Hydaway is always emphasizing with their products.

Travis Smola
As for how it performs, just like with the water bottle, this material does keep drinks cool or warm for a while. A standard tumbler probably works better for this purpose, but they do also include a foam sleeve to help insulate your drink. I should note this tumbler is quite small. It's only 5.5 inches tall by four inches in diameter. It only holds 16 ounces, so it's not like something you'll be carrying all day anyway. And when it collapses down, it's only 1 ¼ inches wide. That's going to make this thing a breeze to slip into a pack or purse.
This would be a fantastic option for the through-hiker or backcountry camping enthusiast who loves their morning coffee but doesn't want to pack some bulky coffee cups with them. Right around here is when I should mention my biggest takeaway for this product, and that's a warning about being careful when putting the lid back on. The first time I filled the tumbler up, it was with water. Without thinking about the fact that this was a collapsible container, I pressed down on the lid as I have with every other tumbler I've owned after filling it. Yep, you guessed it, the container partially collapsed in on itself and sprayed water in my face! You do NOT want to do that with hot coffee!
Other than that little glitch that is totally avoidable, I'm digging the Hydaway drink tumbler so far. For anyone looking for light and easy to store, or someone simply looking to reduce reliance on single-use plastics, this drink tumbler is a winner and something I'll be adding to my hunting and camping bag for years to come. For more information and to pre-order, see the Hydaway website.
For more outdoor content from Travis Smola, be sure to follow him on Twitter and check out his Geocaching and Outdoors with Travis YouTube channels.