Lightning Strikes Near Police Cruiser In Electric Video
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Lightning Strikes Near Police Cruiser In Electric Video

Well that is electrifying isn't it? One police officer got a bit too close to lightning when a bolt struck near their cruiser while they were driving. Check out the shocking footage (pun intended) below and see for yourself.

The incident happened in Illinois during a thunderstorm. Crime never stops, so it make sense that police would still be out and about despite the weather. Glendale Heights Police Department shared the 16-second video on Wednesday. And if that doesn't make your butt pucker up, I don't know what will. Of course, I'm afraid of lightning, so don't ask me. The video showed the lighting strike near the car and sparks afterwards. Police said there were "several nights of extreme storms."

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Lightning In A Video

They captioned the video, "After several nights of extreme storms, one of our officers captured this lightning strike just a few yards away from his squad car. In this video, you can see the lightning strike and sparks that followed. This is a reminder that these storms are to be taken seriously. Whenever a warning goes out, please take shelter immediately and follow social media channels or local news channels for updates."

According to officials, weather in the area had been pretty bad. Hundreds had to seek shelter when severe weather killing a 44-year-old woman. Lightning is no joke. A Florida teen recently described the experience of getting struck. Daniel Sharkey was cutting grass when a bolt struck him.

"The next thing I know I wake up face down in a puddle, and I'm trying to scream but I'm incapable of screaming," he said. "I was rolling around, just waiting for someone to find me. And I'm sure this only took seconds, but it felt like an eternity."

At first, he said he wasn't sure what happened. He thought he might have pasted out from the heat in the area. "When I first came to, I thought I might have passed out from the heat or something, but then I was like, 'Things don't line up. Everything hurts.' I couldn't really feel my extremities at that time. I couldn't talk," Sharkey said.