Shutterstock / LisaCarter

Louisiana Hunter Accidentally Shoots Man, Mistaking Him For Deer

A Louisiana man shot and injured another hunter, who he mistook for a deer while hunting private property.

According to Fox News, the incident took place on December 23rd. Each of the two hunters was unaware that the other would be hunting on the same property. Reportedly, each of the men did have permission to hunt the property, and were not trespassing. The confusion played a role in the shooting but does not excuse it.

Notably, the property is located in Zachary, which is a city in East Baton Rouge Parish. The shooter quickly called 911 after realizing his 20-gauge buckshot had hit another hunter, rather than a deer. The injured man was airlifted to Our Lady of The Lake Hospital in Baton Rouge. Thankfully, the injuries were not life-threatening, although no report has been provided on where exactly the man was shot.

During preliminary investigations, it was found that neither hunter was wearing blaze orange at the time of the shooting. Likewise, neither hunter had deer tags in their possession at the time of the shooting. The shooter has been cited for both violations.

With that said, further charges can still be pressed as investigations into the shooting continue.

Luckily, the shooting was not fatal. The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is using the story as a point of education for all other hunters in the state. The agency mentioned that wearing blaze orange is required by law, and an important safety measure. Moreover, identifying your target and surroundings prior to firing a weapon is a non-negotiable when in the field.

Louisiana Hunter Accidentally Shoots Another Hunter While Deer Hunting On Private Property

As 2024 winds to an end, it is important that all folks enjoying the great outdoors do not get lackadaisical in their preparation and safety precautions. Be it ice fishing, duck or deer hunting, or winter hiking, the end-of-year weather conditions can make time spent outside more dangerous. With that said, placing an emphasis on basic safety measures can minimize the risks associated with the winter.

As for this story, know what you are shooting at, before you pull the trigger. Thankfully, nobody was killed in last week's incident.