I swear, Florida never disappoints. There is always something crazy and entertaining happening down there. This time, we have an insane story where a Florida man catches a wild boar with his bare hands.
Man Catches Wild Boar With Bare Hands

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Before we dive into how epic this moment is, let's cover some wild boar basics shall we. These are not an easy animal to catch. They can be wicked fast and far more intelligent than people give them credit for. Also they have some adaptations that help alert them to predators. For example, HuntWise shares that "Hogs can sense odors in excess of five miles away and can detect odors underground as deep as 25 feet." Imagine trying to sneak up on something that can smell you coming.
Additionally, they share that wild boar can run up to 30mph. As if that wasn't enough they are also excellent jumpers and can "see things up to 100 yards away." So with all of this in mind just imagine trying to hunt one of these down. Now imagine it again but with no weapons or tools other than your own two hands. Whiskey Riff details this insane moment.
Apparently outdoor influencer Nina Rogers was "on a South Florida guide" where they were admiring their hard work from their hunt. Then, a small boar began creeping through the marshes. The boar saw one of the men from the group crouched down in the grass and decided to charge him. Despite the creature's ferocity, Florida Man did not hesitate. He ran after the boar and hooked it by its legs. Then, "With one quick move, Florida Man then flips the animal onto its back so that it cannot wiggle loose or continue to try and run toward the first man."
Nina herself was impressed with the efficiency of the moment. Whiskey Riff shared that she stated, ""In all my years of hunting, I have never seen anything like this. We were taking photos of a successful hunt and this sow came all the way up to us! Watch this unfold."