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Man Gets Drunk, Jumps In Bear Enclosure To Wrestle Bear In Wild Footage

Most people get a little liquid courage after they have had a bit too much to drink, but this man takes it to an entirely new level. Shocking footage shows that after this man gets drunk, he jumps into a bear enclosure and tries to wrestle the bear. A drunk man tries to wrestle a bear..not what you'd expect to see on a typical outing. See the insane footage below.

Drunk Man Tries To Wrestle A Bear

Visitors at the Warsaw Zoological Garden got to witness an expected sight as a drunk man snuck into an enclosure and tried to wrestle a bear. Footage from the 2020 encounter shows the man entering the bear enclosure and standing within 50 feet of the creature.

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The man seems the picture of indifference, standing and having a stare-off with the bear. However, the bear is unamused by this man's antics. The bear charges at the man, forcing him to jump into the water for safety. Looks like trying to wrestle a bear isn't a great idea.

The bear stands on the edge of the water, up on his little cliff, and monitors the man as he swims through his enclosure. He keeps up with him, pace for pace, as the man desperately tries to swim away. The bear lowers himself down and actually jumps into the water, now the real wrestling match begins.

The man grabs onto the bear's neck and is able to get himself atop the bear. Viewers stand in stunned silence as they watch this drunk man as he tries to wrestle the bear. He holds the bear underwater as the poor thing tries to gasp for breath. The man seemingly gets the bear into a headlock position before letting it go and swimming off.

A Narrow Escape

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Photone Yip/Shutterstock

Bystanders and zoo officials say that the man should be thankful that he escaped with his life. Unilad shares that the man was able to escape without injury only because this particular bear is accustomed to humans.  A spokesperson for the zoo explained why that is the case. She stated,

" She [Sabina the bear] used to belong to a circus and is accustomed to the presences of people, but she absoultely did not expect that human attack."

While the bear did not harm the drunk man who tried to wrestle her, people on the internet continued to express amazement that the bear didn't attack. They added that she is "quite a healthy and active bear capable of doing fatal harm to him, but it didn't."

People are more frustrated with this man disturbing the bear than anything else. Although the bear remained unharmed, the zoo reported that she felt "very stressed," and rightfully so!  Police arrested the man and slapped him with a fine for animal cruelty after rescuing him from the enclosure. Hopefully, the next time he is intoxicated, he will just go home and go to bed.