Man Horribly Injured After Getting Violently Assaulted By Massive Kangaroo
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Man Horribly Injured After Getting Violently Assaulted By Massive Kangaroo

Don't let appearances deceive you. Although it may look cuddly and cute, a kangaroo isn't an animal to be trifled with. The species is known for its ability to jump and leap. So it stands to reason that they're pretty strong. Unfortunately, one man in Australia had to find that out the hard way.

A kangaroo violently attacked him outside his property. The 50-something-year-old was about to go to town when he noticed two of the animals outside of his home. While one of them took off running, the other decided on fight in flight or fight. The animal aggressively attacked the man leaving him with hip, arm, and other lacerations. He ended up being airlifted to Rockhampton Hospital for his grievous injuries. Fortunately, he's now in stable condition.

Willows Rural Fire Brigade First Officer-In-Charge Rick Underhill said the attack happened quickly.

"He came out his front door to get into his vehicle and to drive up to the shops and pick up his mail, and there were two roos outside his door," he said via Daily Mail. "One of them took off, but the big buck turned and attacked him - it was that quick and that simple."

Kangaroo Attacks Man

Underhill described the scene of the kangaroo attack.

"I was pretty much last on the scene because I was doing the organizing, but I got a message from Fire Control in Rockhampton to assist Queensland Ambulance Service," he said. "By the time I got down there, they had him on a stretcher. He was pretty badly cut up and bleeding quite profusely with blood all over the ground where he was lying."

Underhill proposed putting down both of the kangaroos. He urged others to stay away from the animal.

Mr Underhill has requested the government put down the two animals involved in the attack and urged people to stay away from any they see in the wild.

"They're big bast—ds, they're powerful and very aggressive," he said. "These roos have been around here for years and we've never had a problem before, but unfortunately, these two big bucks have taken it in their heads to attack people. The government needs to do something about the roos. I personally think they need to get rid of these two bucks."