Man Makes A Living Carrying Women Up Popular Tourist Spots 
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Man Makes $42k A Year By Carrying Women Up Popular Tourist Spots

Where there is a will, there is a way. This man has found a creative way to make some cash. This tour guide shares how he makes $42k a year by carrying women up popular tourist spots when they get too tired to carry on.

Man Makes A Living Carrying Women Up Popular Tourist Spots

Man Makes A Living Carrying Women Up Popular Tourist Spots 

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Xiao Chen has life all figured out. He works as a tour guide at Mount Tai in Shandong Province, China. He helps guide tourists who want to make the long trek up to the peak. However, he shared that many of his female clients lose steam somewhere around the last 1,000 steps. His first step is to encourage them to continue going. The NY Post shares that he "starts by holding their hand along most of the route." However, eventually even that encouragement isn't enough.

Eventually, many of his female clients want to be carried the remainder of the way. Like a gentleman, Xiao Chen obliges. "When they become tired, Chen carries them in a fireman's lift across his shoulders." While this may seem like an odd way to earn income, this man makes a living carrying women up popular tourist spots. He reported that he earns about $42,000 USD a year as what he calls a climbing companion.

Additionally he shares that his clientele is varied. He carries women ages 25-40 years old up the many stairs. Also, he admits that he climbs the mountain twice a day. Typically he only needs to carry the ladies the last 1,000 steps. However that is no easy feat. Chen admits that it takes him an average of half an hour to carry the women up the last 1,000 steps. Although it may seem like an odd experience, I can honestly completely understand it.

I have been on some hikes where I wish there had been someone to carry me. Good for this tour guide. While a man carrying women up popular tourist spots was not on my 2025 bingo card, I can respect the hustle.