The United States has no shortage of ghoulish, ghastly places. In fact, some of the scariest places in the world are here! Still, many of the most haunted places in America fall off the radar. These dens of paranormal activity go unnoticed by travel magazines and websites until poor travelers stumble upon them and wind up terrified.
Here are those scary places and small towns that you may not have heard of — so that you can avoid them (or visit them, if that's your thing)!
The Most Haunted Places in America
The Hamilton-Turner Inn

Different_Brian / Getty
Though it was made famous by the eerie thriller "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil," the Hamilton-Turner Inn still manages to go unnoticed by many thrill-seekers. Innocently nestled in Savannah, Georgia, the Hamilton-Turner Inn remains a popular stopover for Savannah ghost tours. Thanks to its dark history as the site of unexplained deaths — and at least one possible murder. On many occasions, visitors have witnessed moving bookshelves and even the evil laughter of vengeful children in this Civil War-era bed and breakfast.
Why are they feeling vengeful? No one knows. Paranormal investigations haven't turned up anything. But this hotel, where you can actually stay, is even thought to be the inspiration for Disney World's famous Haunted Mansion ride in Florida.
The Whaley House

Harvey Meston / Getty
San Diego is home to the Whaley House (seen here in the '60s), often called "The Most Haunted House in America" due to its dark past. While a tour may initially introduce you to the home's Greek revival architecture and authentic decor, please don't be fooled.
The Whaley Family, who chose to take up residence here, suffered several mysterious illnesses and deaths during their occupation. And paranormal sightings of apparitions are still said to occur today. Come for the guided tours on Halloween ... and stay forever.
The Cavalier Hotel

Jeff Greenberg / Getty
RELATED: The Haunting Story of Hungry Mother State Park in Virginia
Every list of haunted hotels mentions The Stanley Hotel in Colorado, the tourist attraction that inspired Stephen King's The Shining. The Cavalier is the next best thing when it comes to ghost stories.
As one of the most haunted states in the country, Virginia is home to many scary places. For a great example, head to the Cavalier Hotel in Virginia Beach, which has played host to many celebrities — both living and dead. And while both the Oscar-winning actress Bette Davis and the famed gangster Al Capone have stayed at the Cavalier, it's a lesser-known entity that greets guests from beyond the grave.
Nowadays, guests and ghost hunters at the Cavalier have witnessed a lone specter diving past their windows to the ground below. He's said to be the resident ghost of Adolph Coors, founder of Coors Brewing Company, who fell from one of the hotel's windows in 1929. Whether or not you see him, you should enjoy the hotel's many pleasures — when you're not hearing strange noises in the halls.
Sica Hollow State Park

Eifel Kreutz / Getty
Many historic sites in South Dakota are said to be haunted by the spirits of Native Americans whose burial sites were desecrated by unknowing travelers. But in the case of Sica Hollow State Park, hauntings here happened long before humans moved in. As legend has it, the Dakota tribe named this place "Sika," or evil, because it played host to many disturbing supernatural events.
Chief among these events were blood-red rivers, glowing green trees, and ghost sightings of a Bigfoot-like monster. Visitors have even heard distant drumbeats and war whoops at night in recent years. But other than those unexplained sounds and glowing green things, Sica Hollow is an excellent hotspot for a fun camping weekend!
The Hanging Hills of Connecticut

matt_benoit / Getty
From Harry Potter novels to Sherlock Holmes mysteries to American folklore, random sightings of giant black dogs do not frequently bode well for people. And the Black Dog of Connecticut's Hanging Hills is no exception. Ever since the mysterious Black Dog's first appearance in a Connecticut Quarterly newspaper story in 1898, he has remained the most terrifying resident of Connecticut's Hanging Hills.
Though he doesn't leave footprints or make a sound (good luck ghost hunting this animal), his appearance is thought to mean imminent death for all those who encounter him. Make sure you only visit the Hanging Hills — and the nearby Hubbard Park and Castle Craig — at your own risk.
Seven Sisters Road

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Driving through Seven Sisters Road in Nebraska for a true journey into America's darkest depths. As legend has it, an unhappy man once had a massive, life-changing disagreement with his parents and seven sisters in the 1900s. Unfortunately, that disagreement turned into disquiet, which then turned into derangement — and the man surprised his sisters by hanging them, one by one, on top of a hill near where Seven Sisters Road stands today. Of course, this is just legend — and there's no way to prove this ever happened — but everyone who drives down Seven Sisters Road has mentioned eerie screaming on top of that hill. Just saying.
Poogan's Porch

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If sites haunted by evil, angry spirits aren't exactly your thing, then maybe Poogan's Porch will offer the more wholesome haunts you secretly crave. Located in Charleston, South Carolina, Poogan's Porch is said to be haunted by the spirit of a friendly dog, Poogan, who once greeted guests of the restaurant every day and every night until he sadly passed away. If you visit his famous porch in Charleston's King Street Historic District, you might feel something light and airy nuzzle against your leg as you eat. Don't be afraid: Poogan just wants some pets.
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