Motel Worker Surprised To Find Live Alligator In Room After Owner Forgot Pet Reptile
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Motel Workers Surprised To Find Live Alligator In Room After Owner Forgot Pet Reptile

Okay, I have a lot of questions, but the chief among them is how can you forget a live alligator in your motel room? Motel workers were in for quite the fright when they found a live alligator occupying one of their rooms.

It seems that the pet owner left in quite the hurry. And in that post haste, they ended up forgetting their pet gator. Cue some very frightened and very confused motel workers upon discovering the reptile. They ended up finding the alligator when they went to clean the room.

The gator was three feet long. Staff at the Pine River Motel in Cheboygan found the reptile on Friday. Fortunately, it was a pet so it was relatively mild mannered for the species. An exotic animals collector had been staying in the room with the gator named Wally. So it was just a guest that missed checkout.

"We just went in to clean the room and, when my nephew looked under the bed, Wally was there," motel manager Gary told the Detroit Free Press. "He was a real friendly gator, so I didn't feel real scared. He let the police officers hold him and all that, I mean, it was a real friendly alligator."

Alligator In A Motel Room

According to the motel manager, the exotic animals owner traveled with Wally to educate schools. "He was taking Wally to the elementary schools and showing him to children," Gary said. When he couldn't find the gator, the owner said that he assumed the reptile had somehow escaped.

"He thought it got out. He looked for him, couldn't find it," he said. "You couldn't really miss it. It's about three feet long. But it was a dwarf gator. It won't get no bigger than that."

Still, the manager wasn't sure how he could have missed the gator in the room. Fortunately, no one was hurt in the encounter. It's unknown if police will file any charges against the pet owner.

"It was just about the weirdest thing I've found up in a room," Gary said.