constitutional carry
Facebook/Kent County Sheriff's Office

Passage of House Bills Moves Michigan a Step Closer to Constitutional Carry

Concealed carry without a permit comes closer to reality for Michigan.

Michigan lawmakers have been mulling over eliminating the state's requirements for a license for carrying a concealed pistol for some time now.

On Wednesday, reports the Michigan House passed House Bills 4416 through 4419, bringing "constitutional carry" a step closer to reality.

House Bill 4416, the bill that would repeal the need for a concealed carry license, passed by a 59-49 vote. Interestingly enough, not all the votes fell along the standard party lines either. reports Republicans Chris Afendoulis, Kathy Crawford, Martin Howrylak, David Maturen, Mike McCready, Dave Pagel, and Rob VerHeulen all voted against HB 4416.

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And three Democrats, John Chirkun, Scott Dianda and Phil Phelps all voted in favor of it.

The other parts of the bill, including HB 4417 and HB 4418 passed by 59-49 and 61-47 votes.

Revisions in HB 4417 will make for smaller penalties for CPL infractions and will change disclosure to law enforcement officials. Currently, Michigan CPL holders are required to inform a law enforcement officer immediately.

The new bill would change the requirement to inform to only when requested by an officer. The bills will now move on to the Senate. If they pass there, they will go to Gov. Rick Snyder.

If passed, the new laws could make Michigan state number 13 to enact a constitutional carry policy. While it seems there has been a major push for these laws since the start of the Trump administration, not all have been successful.

A similar bill was struck down last month by a house panel in Louisiana.