In a bizarre turn for the saga of Peanut the Squirrel, owner Mark Longo is launching his own cryptocurrency after blasting people for making millions off the death of his squirrel..
Longo targeted those who made Peanut the Squirrel memecoins based on his beloved squirrel. Those cryptocoins reportedly skyrocketed in value after Department of Environmental Conservation agents euthanized Peanute in a raid. Now, Longo is very upset with it all.
"I got really, really upset, and I started reaching out and being like, 'Do not use my stuff without allocating something to the farm,'" Longo told New York Post. In particular, he lashed out the PEANUT coin.
"YOU USED MY STORY, MY SQUIRREL AND MY [LIKENESS] TO MAKE MILLIONS," he wrote on X. "How would you feel if NO ONE included your nonprofit made millions then offered a [FRACTION] of the money you made? You people are delusional."
Peanut The Squirrel
PEANUT creators offered to partner with Longo, but he said they only offered him a fractional percentage. Instead, Longo launched his own JUSTICE coin.
"They're looking out for not only me, but my animals in the future," said Longo.
Meanwhile, crypto investors are firing back at the animal owner.
"People in this community would have come together, volunteered at his farm, sent him more money. But he decided that he needed to own the entire thing," one investor said.
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Meanwhile, Longo is also preparing a legal battle against New York officials for euthanizing Peanut and Fred the Raccoon.