man saves neighbor from bear attack
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Pennsylvania Man Springs Into Action And Saves Neighbor From Bear

My expectations of my neighbors just went up. When I think of someone being a good neighbor, I imagine them helping you shovel your driveway, or bringing up your trash cans for you if you are away. Maybe watching your dog one time. However, this neighbor took the idea of  being neighborly to a whole new level when he saved a man's life. This Pennsylvania man springs into action and saves his neighbor from a bear attack.

Man Saves Neighbor From Surprise Bear Attack

Mike Bramich was just enjoying his afternoon when a grisly scene began to unfold before his eyes. Andrew Nierer was heading back from a grocery store run, blissfully unaware of what was about to happen. Unbeknownst to him, an adolescent black bear had just been scared off from the market parking lot and was heading down the trail towards him.

Upon seeing Nierer, the young black bear decided to charge at him. While Nierer remained calm and tried to keep his distance, it was to no avail. The young bear was spooked and went on the offensive. Eventually, the bear tackled Nierer to the ground and began attempting to latch on to his throat.

That was the final straw for neighbor Mike Bramich. In the video footage, you can see the man as he contemplates how he can assist his neighbor. When it is apparent that things are not getting better and there is no other option, Mr. Bramich whips out a firearm.

Then, the man saves his neighbor from the bear by shooting it. While it is unfortunate for the bear, Mr. Bramich's action undoubtedly saved Mr. Nierer's life.

Thankful But Sad

When speaking with a local news outlet, Andrew Nierer expressed gratitude for his savior. However, I will admit that it was less than I expected for a man who saves his neighbor from a bear attack. While Nierer admits that "it could have been a lot worse" he is still saddened by the outcome of the attack. "Luckily he saved me and shot it" he confessed. However, "I feel bad for the bear because they really do not bother you that much."