Are you familiar with Petey from the 'The Little Rascals'? The Little Rascals (originally called Our Gang) was a comedy film series created by Hal Roach. The films followed a group of poor neighborhood children being their mischievous selves. Petey, seen as a nanny dog, is the loyal and affectionate companion who protects and entertains the kids throughout their adventures.
We tried to separate fact from fiction in this story, as there are many myths about who Petey was and the facts surrounding his role in the series.
What kind of dog is Petey from 'The Little Rascals'?
The first dog to play Petey in The Little Rascals was Pal, an American pitbull terrier. Many sources say Pal was hired in 1927 and his career ended in 1930 when he died of suspected poisoning. How terrible is this story!
Others say Pal's puppy Pete replaced him in the show after his death.
Yet, the research we found shows that the second Pete was an American Staffordshire Terrier named Lucenay's Peter. His famous circled eye was added by Hollywood make-up artist Max Factor.
Who did Petey belong to in 'The Little Rascals'?
The first dog to play Petey in 'The Little Rascals' was owned and trained by Harry Lucenay.
Is Petey from 'Little Rascals' still alive?
It's rumored that Aspin Hill Memorial Park, the final resting place of J. Edgar Hoover's dogs, is where Petey is buried — Roadside America explains that "General Grant" or "Jiggs" is really Petey and his circled eye.
Other famous dogs like Petey the dog include Lassie, and other famous characters who came from this same timeframe are Buster Brown, Alfalfa, Spanky, and Stymie.
Do you remember Petey, please let us know what you think below?
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