wentz eagles qb hunting new zealand
Sitka Gear

Philadelphia Eagles QB Carson Wentz Resets with Hunting

The crazier my life gets, the more hunting has become the best thing for me. - Carson Wentz

In the 2016 NFL draft pick, Carson Wentz went number two overall. He was picked up by the Philadelphia Eagles and was supposed to sit and learn from Sam Bradford. Sam Bradford was then traded to the Minnesota Vikings in September of 2016, leaving Carson Wentz to be the official starting quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles.

It was said that the morning of the decision, officials tried calling Wentz who was in the goose blind. Later that afternoon he showed up for a press conference and with the good news of becoming the starting quarterback, he was asked how his morning went. His reply was quite funny as he said, "Not Good. The geese weren't flying."

This is a small sample of how important hunting is to Wentz. He has gone through measures of buying his offensive linemen Beretta shotguns. He also took his entire offensive linemen hunting as well. Wentz loves hunting and shares his stories through his YouTube Channel as well.


Wentz trip to New Zealand was a way to escape and relax. Of course, if you are familiar with New Zealand, the traveling in itself can be quite exhausting. Add to that the crazy terrain and long hours, it may not be the type of relaxing some are used to.

carson wentz new zealand

When he spoke with Sitka Gear who originally covered the story, he shared just how important hunting was to him to balance his life.

"The crazier my life gets - the publicity, the media, everything that comes with the NFL - the more hunting has become the best thing for me," he said. "My mind and body get a rest. Hunting is my reset button."

The trip was a success for Wentz and he left harvesting two tahr, two chamois and a last minute stag. The story was quite amazing in itself but it's a great reminder to why most of us hunt. It's truly is not about the shot or the kill. It's about the adventure and just getting away. Allowing yourself the opportunity to almost escape, even if it's only a couple hundred yards out of your back door or all the way across the world in New Zealand. Hunting is a great way to bring your life back to the huddle and put yourself back on track to the chaos that comes your way every day.

To read the full story and to see what gear Wentz used in New Zealand be sure to check out the full story here on Sitka's website.

Like what you see here? You can read more articles by Dustin Prievo here. Follow him and his hunting team, Top Pin Outdoors, on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.