I guess this goes to show you that the pilots know all. It can be easy to assume you can get away with things on a plane. After all, the pilot is always in the cockpit and the flight attendants only walk by once and awhile. Therefore, this individual thought they could get away with a little bathroom stunt. Later, they found out they were not as secretive as they had believed. The pilot publicly scolds the passenger for "misbehaving" on the flight.
Pilot Publicly Scolds Passenger For Bathroom Stunt

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No smoking on the plane. While that was not always the case, that rule has been in effect for several years now. They even have that little no smoking sign that lights up right next to the fasten your seatbelt sign. Or at least it has always been on the planes I have ridden on. However, some passengers take it upon themselves to determine when and where they will light up. Additionally, many who choose e-cigarette or vaping options feel that they "don't count" as smoking so they can go right ahead and do that, even on the aircraft.
The NY Post shares Gary Leff's, a Texas-based travel industry expert, thoughts on the matter. He stated, "You can't smoke on a plane. You can't vape, either. The FAA has interpreted the prohibition on cigarette smoking to include vaping products, even though they're quite different." So there you have it. While you can carry the vape in your carry-on you can not smoke it while onboard the aircraft.
However, one passenger chose to "light it up" while they were using the restroom. The pilot found out and was not impressed. A Reddit user shared the experience online. They wrote, "At the end of the flight, the pilot goes: There are 189 of you on this flight. While we make our final descent, please know we are going to be safe and sound, but that could have changed because one person decided to risk the lives of the other 188." I am sure the whole plane was silent. After all, it is not every day that a pilot scolds a passenger.
Was The Bathroom Stunt Really That Big Of A Deal?
Although the pilot was clearly outraged at the passenger's actions, the people of the internet are in debate. Some users agreed with the pilot's strict stance on no smoking on the plane. One user wrote, "How do they not know who was vaping? Would it not alarm right [away]? I like the pilot's statement during the flight." Another agreed, sharing how many smokers are not as discreet as they think. They wrote, ""Lots of smokers have a delusional belief that they can be discreet and no one will notice them smoking/vaping if they take some minimal precautions, like blowing smoke into a can, into a vent or through fabric. LOL."
However, others thought that the pilot's reaction to the bathroom stunt was a bit extreme. One user pointed out how up until recently smoking on a plane was a common occurrence. They wrote, "I'm old so I remember smoking on flights." They continued "What was that logic? Like the smoke stayed in the back of the plane where it belonged." Another agreed with that comment and added, ""A little extreme. Never smoke on a plane!!! But, up until the '90s half the passengers were smoking on every flight every day."
Clearly the internet is divided on this issue? Where do you stand?