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Popular Cruise Ship Line Roasted By Lawyer For Absolutely Horrifying Conditions

A popular cruise ship line is being called out online by a lawyer on social media for its allegedly "absolutely horrifying" conditions. The lawyer pointed to an inspection done by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) on the Royal Caribbean cruise ship line.

Spencer Aronfeld, known on TikTok as @cruiseshiplawyer, blasted the cruise ship company in a video. In particular, he pointed to the CDC examining a Royal Caribbean Symphony of the Seas ship. He said the cruise ship had a problem with raw eggs and raw hamburgers being stored incorrectly.

Indeed, the CDC's report mentioned both as being flagged issues. The CDC wrote, "A metal bin intended for disposing of raw hamburger packaging, including plastic and paper, was placed on the front preparation counter and in contact with the cold well for burger toppings. Inside the bin were bloody plastic hamburger wrappers and paper."

Cruise Ship Draws Backlash

It also wrote, "Twenty-five raw shell eggs were stored in an open plastic bag on the top shelf of a heavily soiled nonrefrigerated crew cabinet next to the manager?s desk. The inspector noted the eggs were well above the required refrigeration temperature for raw shell eggs."

Additionally, there was an outbreak of illness on the ship. The report mentions, "Out of the eleven vomiting and diarrhea incidents reported in the children?s activity center in January 2025, five incidents were not appropriately handled. Consequently, symptomatic children were not assessed or incorrectly assessed for meeting the AGE case definition and were not isolated."

Shockingly, the CDC ranked the cruise ship at just an 86, which is "barely satisfactory."