Man up and do your dry fire practice!
Someone once told me that I needed to have snap caps on hand for dry firing. He was pretty insistent, so I went ahead and got a pack and have used them to improve my shooting ever since. These things are great for diagnosing problems with your technique by way of dry firing, not only at home but on the range: have a friend slip one into your mag among the live rounds and watch your bad habits revealed right there in your sight picture.
As any law enforcement officer will tell you, this is the best investment you could ever make in your marksmanship. They're also great for helping teach new shooters how to load and operate a weapon in a safe setting.
My personal favorite dummy bullets are these A-Zoom 9mm Luger Precision Snap Caps, engineered to perfectly match the size of factory rounds and not damage your firing pin. They cost just $14.99 for a 5-pack and will last years.
A-Zoom 9mm Luger Precision Snap Cap 5 Pack

Get this pack of five today and get to practicing!