Proud Father Watches Son Reel In Largemouth Bass I Think That's 5
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Proud Father Watches Son Reel In Largemouth Bass "I Think That's 5"

Father son fishing trips are always a good time. There is something special about being out on the water with each other. Additionally, it is extra special when your kid reels in a huge fish. Watch this proud father as he watches his son reel in his personal best largemouth bass.

Proud Father Watches Son Reel In Largemouth Bass


Little man CRUSHED his PB on the #KRAZY3 ? #Profishiency #BassFishing #Fishing #PersonalBest #Outdoors #CatchandRelease

? original sound - Profishiency

I can tell you one thing from all of the fishing trips with my father, nothing teaches you patience quite like fishing. I remember sitting on the boat for hours, hoping for a bite. Only to get a nibble, get excited, then have the fish steal the bait. However, nothing matches that excitement of reeling in a fish. You can clearly see the little guy's excitement in the video.

He casts his line out into the water and is waiting for a bite. Not long after, he seems excited as he screams, "YEEAAA!" Clearly, there is something on the end of his line. His father directs his attention towards him and says, "Oh Monster," as he quickly runs to his son's aid. After all, it seems like he may need some help in order to reel in this largemouth bass.

However, rather than steal this moment from his son, the father just helps him to remain calm. "Careful," he ushers his son as he brings the fish closer to the boat. "Easy, easy" he continues, "He's on the boat." Then, the father leans into the water with a net, hoping to help bring his son's catch to the surface.

"I Think That's 5"

As the father scoops his son's fish up into the net he begins to yell excitedly. His son quickly joins in on the joy. "Oh my God!" the pair continuously scream together. Then they high-five as the son screams, "Let's go!" Clearly, there is something exciting in that fishing net. "I think that's 5," the boy states expectantly. Perhaps beating a new record for himself of reeling in a fish at least five pounds.

Shortly after, the father records his son holding the largemouth bass in his hands. After weighing the fish, it was confirmed. This large fish weighed in at 5 pounds and 12 ounces. The level of joy in this video is palpable. I don't know who was more thrilled, the father who watched his son reel in the largemouth bass, or the young boy himself.

Hopefully, their fishing trips end like mine used to, with the fish gently being released back into the water.