RBFF and Fishbrain Announce Partnership to Make Fishing More Accessible

The Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation is teaming up with Fishbrain to draw more new anglers to our ranks. Here's how.

Fishbrain is the unique, state-of-the-art fishing app that allows its users to update their catches and locations, including bait selection and much more, in the palm of their hands.

Since the app has taken off with some three million users and climbing, it goes without saying that it has caught the eye of many famous anglers and now the RBFF. Now the esteemed non-profit organization is trying to raise the number of anglers from the current 47 million to 60 million fishermen in 60 months, by the year 2021.

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Fishbrain told me via e-mail, "This new partnership will give RBFF's audience of 11 million unique visitors access to a comprehensive interactive map that showcases new and recent catches, fish species, and fishing forecasts for specific areas, as well as unprecedented intelligence sourced from experts and fellow anglers in an effort to make fishing more rewarding and accessible for everyone."

With parents and kids looking to get outdoors more and more it's about time that they had a new source of information to give them the best chance at fishing success. That's where the RBFF steps in.

Frank Peterson, President and CEO at RBFF said, "We're excited to partner with an industry leader like Fishbrain to give our audience tools to enhance their fishing experience. The integration complements our '60 in 60' initiative perfectly by drawing in more anglers and boaters and giving them advanced tools and information that can not only help them improve their fishing skills, but also connect with other anglers in their community."


Now with Fishbrain integration, site visitors will have a new and improved access to a completely upgraded interactive 'Places to Fish & Boat Map' One of the best tools where the kids are concerned: maps of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Refuges and Fish Hatcheries locations which are excellent places to visit with children looking for a new experience.

Maybe Fishbrain CEO Johan Attby said it best, "RBFF is known for its extensive insights into the types of conditions that are ideal for making the best catch. But what makes this partnership particularly interesting is that we're now able to give these anglers an extra edge by adding another layer of invaluable data from the millions of catches happening all across the U.S. We think this will create a great stepping stone for those looking to get into fishing or ramp up their game and catch more and bigger fish."

Since we live in the day and age of cell phones that keep our our connection to information right in our hands, why not use them to our outdoor advantage? With parents constantly yearning for something new to get kids outside and active this is one step further towards teaching children, who be the next generation of outdoor caregivers, how to ultimately find and process their own information.

And then someday take us fishing!


WATCH: A Sinful Fishing Joke