Reality Star Attacked And Mauled By His Dog Twice In A 12 Hour Span
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Reality Star Attacked And Mauled By His Dog Twice In A 12 Hour Span: "Fighting For My Life"

Reality star Sean Lowe, known for The Bachelor, was recently mauled not once but twice by his own dog in a 12 hour span. Both incidents left him rushed to the hospital with severe wounds.

The reality star took to Instagram to explain what happened. He explained that his recently adopted dog Moose suddenly attacked him while he was having a barbecue with some friends. The smoke from the grill accidentally set off the smoke detector. While using a dish rag to wave away the smoke, the reality star had to defend himself from his pet.

Reality Star Mualed

His dog Moose started biting him at his feet.

He went on, "At this point again, there's so much chaos going on with the alarm going off, I give him like a very stern like, 'Moose. No. No.' And it was right about that moment where he shows his teeth at me and just attacks me, and I don't mean like bite and run off like a lot of dogs do when they're scared or defensive. I mean, attacks me, and I feel him just kind of ripping into the flesh of my arm. And at this point, I am doing everything I possibly can just to fend this dog off."

The attack left him bleeding badly. The reality star said he was fighting for his life.

"He comes back through the door and attacks me for a second time, and not trying to be dramatic, but I honestly just felt like I am fighting for my life here against a dog," he remembered. "Not just a dog. My dog, right? Like, he's my dog. We've only had him for a little under three months, but like he's my dog."

He ended up at the hospital with five or six stitches in his arm. He thought that the dog had nicked an artery because there was so much blood. At that moment, he knew he had to get rid of Moose for the safety of his family. While he figured out where to take the dog, his parents offered to come take the kids so he could rest.

Attacked Again

But upon arriving, Moose attacked the reality star once more. Moose had gotten out through the front door and was running for them.

"Going through a dog attack is pretty darn traumatic. Having to relive it less than 12 hours later, seeing that dog running straight at you is a feeling that I don't think I ever want to experience again," Lowe said. "Not to mention my arm was just useless because it was all stitched up and having a hard time moving it. And so there's a split second where I'm looking at him and I'm just praying, like, 'Please let it be the friendly Moose that I know.'"

However, the dog attacked the reality star again.

Lowe added, "I'm just saying, 'No, no, no.' And then my dad is in the front yard too, and I'm like, 'Help, help!' Just again, feeling ripping into my flesh. And again, I'm not trying to exaggerate, I certainly don't want to come across as, like, a victim or anything like that. I'm just telling you how it happened."

Ultimately, he managed to rescue himself from the animal.

"And so I'm able to wrestle him to the ground," he recounted. "And this dog is so strong, he's so explosive, but I'm able to wrestle him to the ground. I've got a hold of his collar, but I know that he's ripped my arm open, and I just know, like I'm fighting for my life here, like I feel like if this dog gets up, he is going to kill me."

Police took Moose away after neighbors called 911. Despite everything that happened, he doesn't blame the dog but what happened before he adopted him.