Here's an exclusive Q&A with Rebekka Redd on everything pike and flies.
Rebekka Redd lives and breathes fly fishing. And, although she's fished for a long list of exotic species from around the globe, her hands-down favorite fish to chase with a fly is the northern pike.
Rebekka is a true ambassador to the sport of fly fishing, whether it is mentoring youth through fly casting clinics or raising awareness of fish habitat issues or safe handling practices by way of public speaking, in print, or via video.
She is a consummate professional in every sense, always eager to pass along her passion for a sport that is dear to her heart. She also has one of the most engaging Instagram accounts we've come across.
I recently talked with her about her love for northern pike. Here's what she had to say:
WOS: What attracts you to chasing big northern pike with a fly rod?
REBEKKA: The high level of aggression of which they take a fly! There is a shocking energy to it! Much like when people watch a really suspenseful movie and a scene makes you jump out of your seat, that's the same feeling I get over and over again when a big pike strikes! I'm an adrenaline junkie and these fish suit my persona!
WOS: What is your usual set up for chasing pike?
REBEKKA: My go-to set up is my 8' 8" 250-grain Thomas and Thomas Exocett SS rod, matched with a sealed drag 9/10 Abel reel. I use numerous slick Cortland fly lines, some lake line sub surface and some floating, then I use Cortland's tapered leader ending in their SST wire leader in 50-pound test. Total length of leader and wire tippet is 7 1/2 foot.
"When I was 8 years old I was introduced to fishing via my eldest brother. There was no doubt that at that time I started my passion of fishing. I picked up my first fly rod at about age 14, and then I knew I had found the one true love in my life. My fly rod has been the gateway to my soul—it has taught me about the depths of who I am, it's been my shrink, and it's been my parachute! Most of all it's been my addiction.
My fly fishing 'addiction' has helped me heal over loss of loved ones, including my eldest brother, to helping me inspire others to live life fully and to pursue their passions."
WOS: What is the largest pike you've landed on a fly?
REBEKKA: My personal best is a 49-1/4-inch goliath of a pike! She's been hard to top! I caught (and released) her on a top water popper-style fly. Then after her, I hooked a bigger giant and she bit through my wire leader and was gone! It was a day I'll never forget!
Here are two must-watch videos showing Rebekka doing what she does best:
WOS: Do you have a destination at the top of your bucket list to cast a fly to pike?
REBEKKA: I just knocked a few off my bucket list in 2017 ! I went to the Northwest Territories/Saskatchewan border to Milton Lake Lodge to shoot a short film on big pike, that was amazing! Then I took my big Alumacraft boat to a pike lodge in Northern Ontario called Old Post lodge and there I landed some huge pike!
I think my next bucket list for pike would be Russia or back to my home land of Sweden and Finland where I've caught 45-inch-plus monsters in the past!

"Pike come dressed for the part..... perfectly camouflaged, greedy appetite, and keen eye sight for prey, and whenever you hook a pike, you're bound to see fantastic leaps and explosive energy unrivaled amongst freshwater fish."
Rebekka also loves slinging flies for that other toothy critter, the muskie. Check out the piece we put together highlighting ten muskie huntresses (Rebekka was our featured angler) and the big fish they've done battle with. Click HERE for the gallery.
Be sure to check out Rebekka's website and follow her Facebook page.
Images Courtesy of Rebekka Redd.
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