Tik Tok. / @hobbyhollis

Santa Claus Goes Viral For Sitting In A Deer Stand In Hilarious Photo

A rather unique photo of an exterior Christmas decoration is going viral all over the internet.

According to Whiskey Riff, the photo was taken in Alabama. The hilarious image shows a Christmas light Santa Claus perched in a tree stand, overlooking several Christmas light reindeer, grazing in front of him.

The now-viral image itself was captured from the road. A passerby thought the moment was just too good to drive on by without snapping a picture. Moreover, it is such a decorative set-up that many would have a hard time believing it was even real without picture evidence.

Of course, many were horrified by the image. Santa Claus, atop a Christmas light tree strand, seemingly hunting several reindeer is tough for those who love the season and the story of Santa Claus and his team of flying reindeer. After all, they all pull off quite the feat each year, getting presents to every single house across the globe.

Regardless of varying opinions, the decorative set-up certainly drives conversation. Is Santa truly hunting the reindeer? Or is he holding the stand, so another hunter can't climb on up and take a shot at his reindeer? His vantage point from up there also lets him keep an eye out for any weary predators. Perhaps he is hoping to defend his reindeer from a rogue pack of coyotes.


so funny ? #alabama #merrychristmas

? A Country Boy Can Survive - Hank Williams, Jr.

Viral Photo Shows  Decorative Christmas Light Santa Claus Hunting Reindeer From His Tree Stand

Notably, the reindeer are well within range, from the looks of the photo. Perhaps Santa is a bowhunter? Or maybe he prefers firearm. Who knows, such questions are those best left unanswered. What we do know, is that the general public has had plenty to say about the photo, as it has gained online traction.

Perhaps the most interesting comment was one that read "I'm gonna do this next year." As the TV broadcasters always say on NFL Sunday, it is a copycat league. Will we have more decorative Santa Claus lookalikes sitting in tree stands next winter? Hard to say, but I guess time will tell.