Remember the Shotgun Malfunction That Led to the Winchester Recall?

Gun safety needs to be practiced constantly while around guns and this shotgun malfunction shows why.

Shooting accidents are one of the worst things that can occur while on the gun range or in the field. Simply relying on the safety mechanisms present on firearms is not enough. Constant vigilance to the ten commandments of gun safety must always be maintained.

The hunter in this video uses a shotgun malfunction on his new Winchester pump-action 12GA to prove that point in shocking fashion.


Stephen Floyd's video quickly went viral and not long after, Winchester announced a recall on certain models of their pump-action shotguns due to this malfunction. The video should serve as a serious reminder to all hunters and shooters that guns can be deadly or cause serious harm when you least expect it.

Check out the image of the ten commandments of gun safety below for a refresher and make sure to share this video with all of your hunting and shooting friends!

SEE ALSO: This 9-Year-Old Reloads Faster Than You Can [VIDEO]