Every time I think I have written the last article about Yellowstone tourists, something else happens. You figure by now that tourists would understand the basic rules. Follow all posted guidelines, leave the park as you found it, and give the wildlife their space. However, these three rules seem to be broken time and time again. This particular time, it was another Yellowstone tourist forgetting that the wildlife in Yellowstone National Park is indeed wild. This selfie taking tourist found out why you should give wildlife their space when she got too close to a grazing bull elk.
Selfie Taking Tourist Learns Lesson From Grazing Bull Elk

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While it may seem like common sense to stay away from local wildlife, many people do not follow through. To help its many tourists, so there is no confusion, Yellowstone National Park even has specific suggestions for its tourists. Whiskey Riff shares that the "National Park Service advises tourists to stay 25 yards away from animals that are deemed 'non-violent.' That list includes bison, elk, and other creatures that tend to be relatively docile - though docile is a relative term. When it comes to bears, wolves, and other apex predators, the NPS warns park goers to keep 100-yards between them and the animals."
The woman in this video clearly missed the memo. In a video posted on Instagram, the woman is outside of her vehicle while a family member records. The bull elk is calming grazing, trying to enjoy a meal. The person recording the video even says, " This poor animal is trying to eat and this crazy psychopath... oh my gosh, look at it. Mom... mom, MOM! It's coming after you." The bull elk had seemingly had enough with this selfie taking tourist, when it locked eyes with the woman and began to chase after her. However, the pursuit was short-lived as it stopped as soon as she began to run away.
The Internet Seethes
I am not the only person frustrated by this selfie taking tourist's actions. The comments on the video were anything but friendly towards the Yellowstone tourist. One user commented, "More for the arrest and banned for life list." Another added, "There needs to be more elk, bison, and bears that follow through with their threats!" A third chimed in, "Worse, unfortunately. People are getting more entitled everyday and don't think the rules apply to them."