Shocked Family Finds Giant Python In Their Living Room
Kiri Photography/Shutterstock

Shocked Family Finds Giant Python In Their Living Room

A family ended up with the shock of a lifetime. They discovered a giant python taking up home in their living room. And you thought your roommates were bad.

The family lives in Queensland, Australia. So honestly out of all the possible snakes it could have been, a large carpet python isn't the worst thing in the world. After all, Australia's home to some pretty venomous snakes. In comparison, the carpet python is non-venomous, but it is pretty large. So I can imagine that the family was pretty freaked out. The snake slithered into their living room and hid behind the coffee table. To make things ironic, it hid on some carpet.

Rather than tackle their snake problem themselves, they opted to call a licensed snake catcher. Cue Snake Catch Dan's entrance into this reptilian tale.

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Daniel Busstra of Snake Catcher Dan agreed to come out to the home to remove the snake. He quickly managed to figure out how the python got into the house. Sounds like they were asking for a new roommate. They had left their windows open. That's when the snake slithered in and made itself comfy.

Python In The Living Room

It's a good thing they called a professional. The snake wrangler used a hook to try to get the snake. But it failed to properly secure the reptile. So, he had to tackle the job with just his bare hands and a little bit of luck. The python tried to snap off his fingers/hand. But the wrangler didn't seem too bothered.

He called the snake "beautiful." Steve Irwin would be proud. He described having the snake in your home as "not ideal."

"I picked up the snake, who was quite defensive, and safely captured it in the snake bag," Busstra said. Fortunately, the story has a happy ending. The family ends up with their home now snake-free and a valuable lesson about leaving windows open. As for the snake, well it ends up back in the wild where it belongs. The snake wrangler ended up releasing the snake in a less-developed area.

It was a shocking encounter for the family. But it was just another day in the exciting life of Snake Catcher Dan.