Snake Bites Man In The Privates While He Was Sitting On The Toliet In Wince-Inducing Attack
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Snake Bites Man In The Privates While He Was Sitting On The Toliet In Wince-Inducing Attack

Here's the collective sound of every man reading this to close their legs. One man got more than he bargained for when he went to the bathroom. A hidden snake clamped down on his privates in a wince-inducing attack.

According to the Thai man, a 12-foot python attacked him while he was on the toilet. It lunged at him and bit down on his testicles. After the snake bit down, the man understandably panicked. He immediately fought like a dying man and ended up beating the snake to death with a toilet brush. I'm sure some people had questions after his bathroom looked very much like a crime scene.

But rather curl into a ball and scream, the man fought and killed the serpent. Thanat Thangtewanon explained that his encounter started when he went to use the bathroom. According to Asia Pacific Press, he felt an immediate sharp pain in his privates. He grabbed the snake around the head and tried to pry it off, but the snake was shockingly strong.

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Snake Bites Man In Privates

"I felt something biting my balls. It was very painful, so I put my hands in the toilet to see what was wrong. I was shocked that I grabbed a snake," he said. Realizing he would need a different tactic, the man grabbed a nearby toilet brush and began to smash the snake in the head. Thanks to his onslaught against the reptile, the python released its bite and let go.

"I quickly stood up and plucked it out. I felt pain, really bad pain, and there was blood everywhere, but I was more shocked to have found a python in the toilet," Thangtewanon said.

He shared the aftermath in a series of bloodied photos. After killing the python, the Thai man said he rushed to the hospital. Fortunately, it wasn't a venomous snake. He ended up getting a tetanus vaccine but didn't even need stitches.

"My testicles are safe now. I'm lucky it wasn't a venomous snake. A cobra would have killed me," he said. "But I haven't used that toilet again since.